The Venezuelans that live day after day seeing relatives, friends, colleagues leaving the country, sometimes without nothing, just the I-can-not-stand-anymore feeling that bring your emotions completely out of control, are the ones under more pressure. These Venezuelans that sometimes see themselves celebrating birthdays, anniversaries through skype or facetime, usually are in the edge of being resilient or simply deciding to leave as well…
How can we help, support these Venezuelans that really want to stay, do not have plans to leave, but the environment, circumstances are bringing them to make decisions based on emotions, and based on a situation that will change, we are not sure when, but it will change…
My actual doubt is to find out where is the limit between supporting someone to stay in their country or to support them to come to the decision they are about to take based on emotions, not necessarily the “adequate” ones…
I do feel an urge to provide a good place for these people to work, I feel the urge to make it transparent for them, both the challenges, but also our role in being part of the solution rather than being the problem, and how much we are important for everything that is happening. Although I have once decided to leave my country, I also want to provide the right environment for the people to have the chance to be able to take THEIR right decision…
I see as the best solution supporting the colleagues and friends to work on their resilience, as being resilient will give most of the people the right control of emotions to identify when the decisions are made out of lack of emotional control, or after a good analysis consequence of a very good emotional control, fruit of a resilient life style…
🙂 But all in all, I try to support, and the best way I think I can do it is working hard and trying to find the opportunities in each challenge, by recognising the importance and impact each of us have on others lives! I understood that better than words is action, showing consistency between what you say and what you do. People observe you more than they listen to you, I am more of a speaker, but I do try to make it clear what I admire from Venezuela, from its peculiarities, from it uniqueness…. By just showing my love to Venezuela I hope to make some people, who do not want to leave Venezuela, have a reason to stay, not because I LOVE Venezuela and do believe in it, but because I make them remember what is their essence, because I make them remember why they should be proud of being Venezuelans and living in Venezuela!
…the important is to have a common commitment, all of us who are in Venezuela and have chosen to stay, we should not criticise who left, or who want to leave, neither should we “bad mouth” the country we are in – as someone told me this week – “There is a lot of good things in Venezuela to make us stay – some are like roots – under the soil, not seen or recognised, but they are strong roots. From strong roots, it is impossible to grow weak trees….”
This is Venezuela, a fertile soil, with strong roots, from these roots, strong Venezuelans are born each year, and a strong Venezuela is built!!
No matter what you are thinking, not matter what decision you make, just never forget to love Venezuela – “she” deserves all our love, and know you always can make a difference!!