Learn to Lead a Coherent Life with Purpose.

with Lara Bezerra

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Consistently Delivering Extraordinary Results with Purpose

Being a leader is inside every one of us. How do we grow as leaders to become our best version and bring the best out of people?
The world of today is ambiguous. There is increasing pressure for financial results and a more significant demand for a healthy work environment.
Leaders want to focus on people but usually get lost in small tasks and short-term results.
There is an increasing complexity to be dealt with in this transforming moment.
Conscious leadership is emerging, but still, there are too many old-school authoritarian leadership and business models focused on numbers and profit rather than bringing true value to society.
At this moment, leaders have the most important role, to role model what true leadership should be.
Authentic, holistic, purposeful, spiritual leadership is the need of the moment, with coherence to oneself, both in the professional and private life.
Revisiting the true purpose in life and bringing true passion to the workplace is the solution to inspiring everyone around. An inspiring leader will bring joy back to work and boost productivity, innovation, and true collaboration. Being an inspiring and good leader will transform the lives of everyone. It is the most sustainable way to bring true value to the workplace and, consequently, to find the value your organization can offer society.

Only in USA 52% of all workers are feeling burned out, up +9% from a pre-COVID survey.
120,000 deaths and nearly $190 billion in spending each year.
Depression and anxiety add up to a loss of $1 trillion in productivity per year.

It’s time for a new model of leadership,
It’s time to guide our lives with Purpose and Coherence.
It’s time for Work Coherence.

Meet Lara Bezerra

Lara is a mother and a wife who had positions as President, Managing Director in different Multinationals in 7 countries and three continents for 27 years. 
As the first female to assume the Executive Presidency of a Bayer affiliate in Latin America and the first woman elected as chairperson of Cavenal, the German chamber of commerce in Venezuela, among other positions she pioneered as a female leader, she opened doors to other women.
But she is prouder about being the first executive senior leader to have the title of Chief Purpose Officer because, for her, bringing Purpose to people’s life is her mission.
She has a very peculiar leadership style, bringing all organizations that she led to higher top ratings of engagement scores with realized co-workers evolving as human beings.
She has delivered more than simple financial results; she transformed organizations because she believes in the people she works with.

"Change The Way You Look At Things & The Things You Look At Change"
Max Planck


Board Leadership team retreat

An inspiring board/leadership team can make a whole difference in the outcome reached. I offer retreats for groups to reconnect to their purpose and agree on a legacy to leave behind. Find the authenticity missing and the collective leverage needed to transform your organization.

Organizational Culture Evolution

The heart of any organization is its culture. No matter how well developed a strategy is, if the culture is not aligned, it will die. But an organization with a great culture lacking a perfect strategy can strive if a common purpose exists. Create a self-organized unit that takes care of your culture and brings evolution to your whole team.

Mentoring Coaching Purpose driven

An inspiring board/leadership team can make a whole difference in the outcome reached. I offer retreats for groups to reconnect to their purpose and agree on a legacy to leave behind. Find the authenticity missing and the collective leverage needed to transform your organization.




Duke corporate education

Times of india

Work Mentioned

This book offers an antidote to the linear and fragmented leadership models that emerged out of the industrial age. The authors make a compelling case for purpose, empathy and caring to become the strategic driving forces for organizations in a disruptive and complex world.

This book offers a new management meta-theory to replace Taylorism. It presents a new paradigm in management thinking and a new, practical organizational model for implementing it in our personal and working lives, in our companies, in our communities and nations, and in a sustainable global order.

This book explores the personal journeys of pioneers who are creating and transforming organizations to not only generate profits, but to also enable a future that empowers and uplifts all of humanity. In reading these stories, you will get to know fourteen people and organizations from all over the world, small startups and large multinationals. You will understand their challenges, their successes, and gain a glimpse into how organizations are evolving to the demands of a complex, rapidly changing world. 

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