Case for Change When we are starting the journey we look for articles, videos, and information that will help us make our case for change.We bring here material that was used and has been a good support to get the right buy-in! Purpose Purpose trends 2020 Report on human capital 2020 Report on Purpose - implement 2020 Purpose and Value Importance of corporate purpose Purpose - shared identity creation Social Impact Social impact returns Infographic on conscious companies Investors request to measure CEO on ESGs Measuring business impact on society The case for stakeholder capitalism ESG premium on Company's value and performance Stakeholder capitalism Creating value through ESG Leadership Google research on leadership FT on future of work Insights future of work Need to reskilling Lifelong learning 5ª Revolution How the 5th Industrial Revolution is Advancing Humanity at Workplace WHAT WILL THE 5TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION LOOK LIKE? The Fifth Industrial Revolution (5IR) and how it will change the business landscape