Life is always surprising you, but the best part of it, when suddenly something significant happens, and you have an INSIGHT – and when this insight is revealing something divine, superior and sublime is marvelous – lately this has been with kids…
I will tell how it was:
Today evening my husband and I were talking about his day, and he was telling how a little girl, from an foundation where we are part (we are working on a foster care of 3 siblings) and when picking up the boy, a girl, friend of them has come to my husband and told “Tito (how they call him there), guess what? I will be gone forever soon!”… She was very happy, she was glooming, and all the children from her place were happy for her. Then we remembered that, some weeks ago we noticed that one boy was no there, and when we asked for Pedro, the children told with a huge smile on their faces “he is gone forever!!!!”… For them “to be gone forever” means that they are given a chance to live with a family, and not seeing the friends any more was not a pain, rather a happiness, a hope, that one day they will also “be gone forever”…
🙂 My husband and I were discussing this when suddenly we had this insight that any children that thinks like this will fit so perfectly to our lives… How God can be so generous? The kids are so fascinated to know the new, to see what is out of the routine, they are so brave that, despite of being unknown, they want a new world, a new life – who is born like this?
We were always different from our friends, we always had no attachment, we love our family from the bottom of our hearts, but we also love to travel, we fall in love with friends, colleagues countries, but we still love to know new places, new cultures, new friends… I had always felt bad for being so selfish and not “respecting” the feeling, the nostalgia my family had, I miss them deeply, but I love my life of travel…
Suddenly we knew that the dots were connecting, we could see each one forming a figure of the real meaning of many things – yes, this was all our destiny, to come to Venezuela, to change the company, to meet the right people to introduce us to children that might or not, one day be gone forever with us…
And then, the “gone forever” had started to have a different meaning, it started to be beautiful, nothing selfish, it does not matter if I will miss the person, but he/she will be happy, we have to let it go, and we have to be happy for them, and we have to be truly happy when anyone is gone forever, even if this person is you, yourself…
My best day in life will be when my kids friends will turn them a party to celebrate that, from that day on, they will “be gone forever”, and “be gone forever” with us, to us….
Thanks God people can “be gone forever”!!