It is interesting to see how death can impact us differently depending on your life moment…
My mother’s death in 2016 has brought me to an incredible disbelief and loss of all faith.
It was the healing journey thereafter which brought back, in a exponential way, the faith, belief and spirituality. But the mourning was not helping towards life efficiency – to achieve its purpose, it was too much loss of faith in something greater…
Understanding death while living a process of discovering a dream, a vision, to put in practice your purpose, makes your life have much more meaning… makes you want to live intensely in order to accelerate your dream, on how to make your purpose real, much quicker…
Right now somehow a recent loss has triggered questions and an urge that had somehow helped me confirm why I am here, and what should I do…
I have questioned myself intensely lately if I am a good mother, a good wife, because somehow something very strong drags me to focus on my work, and I question, why am I in India, why am I helping India and why am I ok with all that it brings…
Can I be the mother and wife I have committed to, while doing what I feel I should do, what I know that I am meant to do?! It will not be a piece of cake…
This question brought me to a deeper question – what is to be a good wife, what is to be a good mother?
When we started to raise the kids we were challenged to identify one, one single thing to focus on, which we understood that would make the kids learn all in life…
After a huge reflection we came into a conclusion that this one thing would be discernment – we should teach our kids that they should learn to understand that all decisions in our lives have a consequence – so each step and breath we take, we should be conscious of, and understand that discernment by the end, somehow means that either you can bring darkness or light to each place you are, by taking different decisions… …and you can own your life by owing your decisions and being able to make the proper analysis each second, using your discernment…
Well, above all to teach discernment was a basis for them to understand that always, when you take your decisions for a greater good, and have use your discernment correctly; without doubt your whole life ends up falling into place and the Universe, God, the biggest Energy or all together guides you to the right direction…
So… if my husband and I want to teach our kids to have discernment and learn to think always in a greater good, in what would be best for the ones around us, and if I need to be active part of it – what is to be a good wife and a good mother…
I have to walk my talk!
It would be completely out of place to tell them that they have to understand their purpose in life and have a dream and, at the same time, let them see me giving up my own dream in order to do what I-think-that-others-think that is to be a good mother and good wife and be, “timely” speaking, available for my family…
What would I want my daughter to decide if they would ever be in a position like mine?
What would I ask them?
Which would be my conversation with Sasa and Lily?
I have no doubt what would be…
“My love, do your kids learn by what you say or by what you do? Your husband would like you to say say say things to your kids or for you to give them the example of what you really mean by doing a greater good and being a person to bring light whenever you are given the opportunity to do so???”
… and knowing my daughters, I know what would be the answer and I also know what they would do…
If I really want my kids to have discernment enough to choose the light path and take all opportunities the universe will give them to do so, they should be able to see from their mother, what I do when the opportunities appear and how I handle it…
…so, I thank from the bottom of my heart the lesson you are giving me Adriana… your journey to Heaven has shown me that, if I would have only 3 years more in my life I would like to give the example to my kids of what does it really means to live for a greater good, I would like to be there for them, and transform these 3 years in beautiful moments where they would remember why we are here in life and that I would never ever have regretted have lived the life God send me to live….
God bless you Adriana and know that you have reached lives that you might not even imagine, God guide your kids and husband so they will find the comfort in doing good things in their life on your behalf…
I will miss hearing from you…