Right after my mother’s passing, I was a totally lost, I have missed the only person to talk to about everything. But mostly about existence, about life, death and whatever is between or within them…
After her passing, I brought to Hungary a movie that my mother wanted her kids to watch, which was a journey to quantum physics, spirituality, science and religion at the same time. I had never watched it, and on a phone call, my brother had told me that he had already watched it more than 5 times, and that he was getting the message of our mother…
I then decided to watch it. On a Saturday afternoon, after my weekly massage and “treat” to myself, I arrived home and jumped into a comfortable pajama, prepared some snacks and started to watch it…

I could not believe myself – the film was simply a summary of most of my beliefs and my talks to my mom, it was describing many things at once, and simply from different sides…
The film was “What the bleep do we know?”

What the bleep do we know?
http://www.whatthebleep.com/whatthebleep/ – this film had some insights that were very important for my life from there on (2006 May).
Some of them:
1) Positive thoughts to bring us a great life; my whole life my mother had told us that whatever happens we should see the positive side of it and we should spread the positivism throughout the world – and if we would do so, the world around us would be blessed, and nothing could be totally bad…
In the film, there is a very important scientific proof of this. The research on influence of thoughts, positivism, negativism or whatever feeling on crystallization of molecules of water from Emoto Masaru – it did prove that our thoughts influence molecules of water, and our body is 75% water, so whatever we think will firstly impact ourselves. The old story that whatever you send you get back, indeed is whatever you feel about others, whatever the intention you send, is firstly affecting you, because it goes THROUGH you!!!!
2) We are able to access much more information than we normally receive, if we are aware. The amount of information that really exists around us is much bigger than what we usually “absorb”, but there is always a way to widen this “lenses”. Let us put this way: When you see a film, you see only what the lenses had recorded, but all beyond the film scenario appearing in your screen, there are lots, huge amount of different things that are not recorded, they do not get to you, imagine that your eyes are the same – what about what is happening around you and you are not seeing????
…Well there were lots more in the film, and it is really worth to watch, this is a life changer…
Do it, for you and for the world!!
Bless you!