Peace Kit – 5th part – Beautiful World – Already In existence

Beautiful World – Already In existence

This CD, as other books, I had found by coincidence in the Amazon and had ordered just because the idea was attractive, but then this music had awe me…. The CD tell about a beautiful world already in existence, and the music “I know” is exactly my belief – I know that everything will be ok and I believe that the sun will shine again one day!

The lyrics:

I know

How will I know, the sun is gonna shine again next day

I can reach you when you so far away

I know because my heart tells me so

How will I know, the smile behind your eyes is for real

I can touch you, and know what you feel

I know because my heart tells me so

There is so much energy, enough for every one

Deeper than the conscious mind, silent knowledge, wisdom we all share

Oh I know, I know, I know, I know, I know because my heart tells me so

How will I know that I will have the strength to go on

When all hope is gone

I know because my heart tells me so

How will I know that peace will come one day

That people can live in harmony

I know because my heart tells me so

I believe in days to come, people will be free

I believe one day we’ll see, everybody living life as one

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