Chennai team – Roche Pharma India
Last year when I had to choose my next step of my career, India came to my mind for 2 reasons, one because of the possibility to really make a difference and the second one to develop my spiritual side, since it is not a secret that every soul in this world has India as a place where one should go if is wanting so…
After talking to many people, some positive about my decision and others not so much, I noticed something interesting – normally the ones not so optimists were Indians :)))) and maybe because having an Indian blood or being born in India makes many things very much obvious and everything here is taken for granted – they told me that I might be disappointed if I would come for spiritual growth…
…dear friends from India – YES, you take for granted something absurdly obvious for many of us who were not born in India – India does have something truly special, a special goodness inside and whoever notices it can bring this to business and make a business that is for a greater good – for the benefit of society itself, country, and the humanity!!!!
In my last field visit to Chennai I had confirmed my high appreciation to Indian culture, Indians and their intrinsic sentiment of goodness and to give back to the country… I made an experiment, taking our vision and strategy to many people, and I just proved my theory right…
Talking to Doctors, to Professors, Persons who have interest in healthcare, all of them, in some part of the conversation mentioned that what they do, they do to give back to India. Doctors with great opportunities to stay abroad, to have the kids studying in Europe or US, had decided to come back to India, for different reasons… Either because here they make a difference and can help many patients that otherwise could not be treated, or to do much more than they were expected to do…
…some mentioned that in other countries they are Medical Doctors and full stop, here they help the families of the patients, they find ways to help the transport of the patients who face the big challenge to travel 10, 12 hours to have access to healthcare, or to try to start pharmacies that will give better access to medicines further away from the hospitals and assure then that their patients will comply with their treatment…
I came back from my first field visit in India understanding that I had taken the right decision, even about Quantum leadership I discussed with some of the doctors, one told me that in India we have to do things very differently and can not choose, con not prioritize, we have to have the organization of the British, but to be able to work in the diversity of the states and potentialize the everything-happening-at-the-same-time-differently-in-different-states… Is there anything more quantum than doing both/and instead of either/or?
Other Doctor has mentioned that he is doing an incredible research to try to find the cure of a certain disease, other Doctor making pro-bono transplants in public hospitals and publishing books about old scriptures to assure that the culture will be preserved…
In other conversation we have discussed how important is to have a purpose, how important is to be selfless and to assure that, whatever we do, we will have to, consciously, understand that this will have an impact in our world, in THE world. as a conclusion, we all have to work together in the benefit of the patients…
Finally everybody agreed, in different circumstances, that in India, companies that are doing a service to society, not just bringing free things, bringing value at a certain price, but only the companies that give back to society, to India, are truly successful and are sustainable, in India the goodness have to be part of your being, then being part of your being you are part of India. The quantum organization concept to be vision, value led…. and to be a green organization is essential! (Quantum leadership book – Danah Zorah)
Despite of all challenges we face, we MUST recognize that the last 5 years, somehow, a consciousness has been awakening among Indians and India, something magic is happening, something that is making India grow not materially only (besides coming from rank 143 to 100 in the list of ease to do business), India is living a magic moment, and we should thank the universe to be here right now… we should just go with the flow and help the magic to complete for India!
I have one word – KRITAGYATA!!!!! I am glad I have chosen to come to India and I am glad that I have embarked in this journey of the quantum leadership before coming here, there is no place where one can see everybody living at the edge, being playful with uncertainty, being vision led, value driven, being aware of a context that is super complex, but everybody that wants to give back to India is super connected at a different level, in tune with each other, playing together without a regent, without a guidance, in a wonderful harmony as a jazz jam session!!!! And the benefit of this beautiful magic can be India and the Indians!