I have just arrived from watching Cirque du Soleil and I was in awe…
Of course I was in awe for the spectacular show, but what called my attention specifically was the big smile, happiness and clear feeling of realization each actor had within themselves each time they finished an impossible performance.
It was clear to see that to come to this point, lots of dedication, training, concentration had to be there so they would come and delight the audience! …and the ones delighted the most were the actors themselves, seeing our faces in awe, our mouths open and our incessant clapping…
Their faces, their smiles, the whole aura emerging from each one of them, beautifully expressing their passion for what they are doing, the aura of love and enjoyment! Definitely they were working at another level, they were living their lives fully – the right life balance!
For some moments I had a familiar feeling, that exact moment when sensations and feelings in your body touch the memories and the “Budhi”, the intellect have the spark of light that transforms in a thought – “I know that I saw this already somewhere, I have a recollection of memories that made me feel the same and I know I saw this aura, this satisfaction already for sometime…” 🙂 then the clear images start to jump in my mind of all the moments and faces that I saw the same!
The joy just filled my mind and the deepest feeling of gratitude come to me – where have I seen the same incredible gratitude and pride as I have just experimented in the Cirque du soleil actors after doing the impossible and delighting the audience from their soul??
Yes…. the last 6 months I have seen it in our team faces each time they share a patient story, each time one of the family members share themselves their knowledge of quantum leadership or present the new Access Plan Framework….
Yes, it is incredible that we are being able to have the same joy working together the last months as this group performing the impossible acts….
I am not so sure if everyone in our team realizes these feelings and moments, but the ones who realize have been spreading their aura of loving their purpose in an incredible pace…
Definitely today I could see; when you truly love what you are doing, then you are really working for a higher service – the kind of work everybody wants to have, the one that brings delight in others! The one some people do not call work, call leisure!
Thanks so much the team in Roche India, for making my dream realize – to see purpose in the lives of each one, and see how many of us wake up in the morning smiling because is weekday and we can go to work to do what we enjoy the most!
I truly believe we are meant to be where we are – together and in India!!
Namaste – “the divine in me salutes the divine in you!”