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Perdao, paz, plenitude – custam barato (05/05/2008 – right before my transfer to Mexico)

Forgiveness is not for the others is only for yourself… When you forgive someone, are you making a favour for the person ? What do the person think or feel when you forgive her/him ? What do you feel when you forgive someone ? Is this feeling better for the person or for yourself ? […]

Perdao, paz, plenitude – custam barato (05/05/2008 – right before my transfer to Mexico) Read More »

Peace kit 6th – A Profecia Celestina (18/12/2007 … do meu computador)

Profecia Celestina….. The Celestine Insights: Insight 1: We are discovering again that we live in a deeply mysterious world, full of sudden coincidences and synchronistic encounters that seem destined. Nós estamos redescobrindo que vivemos em um mundo profundamente misterioso, cheio de coincidências e encontros sincronizados que parecem predestinados. Insight 2: As more of us awaken

Peace kit 6th – A Profecia Celestina (18/12/2007 … do meu computador) Read More »

Amigos – Fernando Pessoa

#Saudade# “Um dia a maioria de nós irá se separar. Sentiremos saudades de todas as conversas jogadas fora, as descobertas que fizemos, dos sonhos que tivemos,dos tantos risos e momentos que compartilhamos.Saudades até dos momentos de lágrima, da angústia, das vésperas de finais de semana, de finais de ano, enfim… do companheirismo vivido. Sempre pensei

Amigos – Fernando Pessoa Read More »

Peace Kit – 5th part – Beautiful World – Already In existence

Beautiful World – Already In existence This CD, as other books, I had found by coincidence in the Amazon and had ordered just because the idea was attractive, but then this music had awe me…. The CD tell about a beautiful world already in existence, and the music “I know” is exactly my belief –

Peace Kit – 5th part – Beautiful World – Already In existence Read More »

Reverência ao Destino “Destiny Reverence” – my favourite poem!!!

Reverência ao Destino “Destiny Reverence” Carlos Drummond de Andrade Falar é completamente fácil , quando se têm palavras em mente que expressem sua opinião. To speak is completely easy, when one has words in his mind that express his opinion. Difícil é expressar por gestos e atitudes o que realmente queremos dizer, o quanto queremos

Reverência ao Destino “Destiny Reverence” – my favourite poem!!! Read More »

Peace kit 2nd part – I have shared these with many people, now easier to do it!

Right after my mother’s passing, I was a totally lost, I have missed the only person to talk to about everything. But mostly about existence, about life, death and whatever is between or within them… After her passing, I brought to Hungary a movie that my mother wanted her kids to watch, which was a

Peace kit 2nd part – I have shared these with many people, now easier to do it! Read More »

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