I am getting thousand of answers to my philosophical questions the last months….
As much as the situation of Venezuela worsens and the challenges increase, as much as the decisions get more difficult and more critical, and as much as I get questioned about the situation I am living in, and as much as I myself doubt my decisions, the more I thank the Universe for having brought me to Venezuela at this right moment…
Each day that ends and I even if I finish it crying, I get more convinced that my mother was right.
The real learning I will have depends on how I will face the greatest challenge and difficulties of my life…
Well, I was simply blessed with the biggest opportunity a person might have of becoming wise, very wise in one life-time…
I have taken the decision to change completely the perspective of my life right now.
I decided neither to cry nor to be sorry for everything that I cannot change; I decided that there is nothing NOTHING that I can not change…
I just got the message….
- What I will feel in 10 years looking back in time and how I will feel about myself when recalling everything I lived in Venezuela during the biggest challenge of my life will depend on the decisions and attitude I will have right now….
- How my children will talk about me, which kind of human beings they will be, depend solely on how I will do business and how I face my private life this year and the years left for me in Venezuela….
The destiny simply opened, ahead of me, the door for my soul construction, and it is presenting 2 ways, and I simply have to pick one…
But this choice will change completely myself and everything and everybody who is around me.
How do I want to be remembered????
I want to be remembered as a person who has never given up, a person that even facing the toughest decisions has kept the head up and smiled to life and supported any person who needed. A person who, definitely has chosen the positive way. From the 2 choices, do things crying, complaining, or do things smiling looking for the bright, positive side, I chose to smile to life…
By the end, the life time experience and test is happening right now, do I wanted good MBA which would give me lifetime experiences???
Well – I have signed up to a Master in Life Administration….. …and nobody has told me, I have just noticed…
No place is a better place to learn how to be resilient, know how to lead by example, learn how to lead in transparency and really to test any leadership style, here if one style is correct, it will show, if not, oh… it will also show and help us God, the consequences of a bad leadership here are extreme…
At the same time, no place is better to teach your children how to apply discernment, how to take decisions based on minimum data, but still doing it. If you have to decide how to teach your children, Venezuela leaves you no option – you have to choose the positive way, the “values based” way, the “love the simple” way, and you teach and learn that happiness one finds within and we do not depend on anything external to be happy, but ourselves and our choices will dictate how much happiness you will live with!
Finally Venezuela teaches you that decisions have to be taken even when you are not sure that you are taking them correctly, because not deciding will have a simple consequence, decisions will be taken for you, and be clear, you want to have the decisions on your hands. The final hope is – time will show if you had made the right ones, and you, yourself, will pay in case not, this finally is the ultimate proof of Karma – you can be sure that your actions will have a consequence in this life, and in this country. Be them good or not you will be sure if you were right or not.
My conclusion right now of my professional and personal situation is that I would not choose to be in any other place than Venezuela – and this will be seen in my soul forever, thanks God! Forever Venezuela