Lara Bezerra

opçoes “sempre há uma soluçao” – certo ou errado??

A vida é uma opção…. Alguém um dia me mandou um e-mail com alguns pensamentos, onde ele perguntava se existia amor eterno, se jurar á alguém amor eterno estava certo, se existia uma pessoa para você o resto da vida…. Ele tinha uma dúvida grande se deixaria a família por não sentir o mesmo amor […]

opçoes “sempre há uma soluçao” – certo ou errado?? Read More »

Peace Kit – 5th part – Beautiful World – Already In existence

Beautiful World – Already In existence This CD, as other books, I had found by coincidence in the Amazon and had ordered just because the idea was attractive, but then this music had awe me…. The CD tell about a beautiful world already in existence, and the music “I know” is exactly my belief –

Peace Kit – 5th part – Beautiful World – Already In existence Read More »

Reverência ao Destino “Destiny Reverence” – my favourite poem!!!

Reverência ao Destino “Destiny Reverence” Carlos Drummond de Andrade Falar é completamente fácil , quando se têm palavras em mente que expressem sua opinião. To speak is completely easy, when one has words in his mind that express his opinion. Difícil é expressar por gestos e atitudes o que realmente queremos dizer, o quanto queremos

Reverência ao Destino “Destiny Reverence” – my favourite poem!!! Read More »

Peace kit 2nd part – I have shared these with many people, now easier to do it!

Right after my mother’s passing, I was a totally lost, I have missed the only person to talk to about everything. But mostly about existence, about life, death and whatever is between or within them… After her passing, I brought to Hungary a movie that my mother wanted her kids to watch, which was a

Peace kit 2nd part – I have shared these with many people, now easier to do it! Read More »

Change Management – avoiding changes, adapting to them or making them part of our lives; diffi

A very good lesson learned from my mother was to have the wisdom to do many things at the same time – not like multitasking – but rather having different interests, and then having the intuition to apply the knowledge learnt on all fields of our lives! Well, example, she used to work on a

Change Management – avoiding changes, adapting to them or making them part of our lives; diffi Read More »

Leadership and coaching – who indeed learns during a training?

After many years without training myself the colleagues, I had the opportunity to work on a coaching training myself, I had spent a full Saturday reviewing old booklets, books, courses and the certification material of coach the coach. I had so much fun preparing the material and putting together exercises and fundamentals of coaching that

Leadership and coaching – who indeed learns during a training? Read More »

Peace kit 1st part – I have shared these with many people, now easier to do it!

There are some books, musics, places that are part of our life transformation, some “kitsch”, some meaningful, but for each one of us, they mean differently. In my life, there are many circumstances that have changed me, or that have changed my way of seeing the world, and they have set the path on which

Peace kit 1st part – I have shared these with many people, now easier to do it! Read More »

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